God Is Love – Part 2

“…God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” – 1 John 4:16 (NIV)

Let us reflect on the immeasurable love of God that is described in the Scripture verse John 3:16.

  • God loves people even though they do not want to listen to Him and deliberately turn their backs on Him. Their rebellion against Him and their transgressions have not prevented Him from taking action in their favour.
  • God loves people because He is love in His essence and wants only the best for His creation. He carried out His plan of Salvation for lost people so that He could offer them eternal life.
  • God loves people and has given us the greatest gift possible, which is the gift of His only Son. He sent His Son to Earth as the man, Jesus Christ, and gave him as a Saviour unto death.

Friends, if God has so loved us and now makes us an offering of Salvation, will we not gratefully accept it?

The way to Salvation is simple. Whoever believes in the Son of God, Who died on the cross for sinners, is not lost but has eternal life. God no longer punishes him for his transgressions because Jesus Christ bore the punishment for him. Instead, he is able to live his life in fellowship with God and the Lord Jesus and look forward to the glory of heaven in eternity.

God’s love addresses us today so that we may be saved through personal faith in Jesus Christ. Embrace His love!


Loving God, nothing could ever repay the priceless display of love evidenced in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Help me to display my gratitude for what He has done for me. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Read: Mark 11:24; 3 John 1:5-6

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 4:20-27; Matthew 27:45-66; Exodus 13; Exodus 14

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